Making Money With Blogs

I'd like to say a big thanks to grizzly brears over at he has been a big help with the creation of this my first blog. Even though I have been involved in the Internet Marketing community over the last 2 years I have never really looked into the world of making money with blogs until I stumbled across his site. I have often said that you need a decent knowledge of how the internet works, html knowledge etc before you can really succeed online but I have had to eat my worlds since checking out the whole blogging scene. If you struggle creating web pages I think blogging definitely is the way to go has made life so easy even for me with a strong technical background to get something up online in next to no time it leaves much more time for you to concentrate on the most important side which is Marketing. If you currently are not making any money online I strongly suggest you go and check out grizzly's blog he is very helpful and unlike most Internet Marketers he is not out to fleece you of your money and does give very good info. If you check out the blog you will see he has critiqued this blog and as you will notice I have made the changes he suggested :-) Thanks Grizzly