Yanik Silver Replied To My Email

I was sifting through the usual shit I receive in my inbox today when all of a sudden I noticed a reply email (RE:) from the great Yanik Silver I couldn't believe it I rubbed my eyes in disbelief and when I reopened them it was still there. I thought to myself finally a big named marketer has responded to one of my begging emails he must have taken pity on me.
This email could contain the real secret ingredient to becoming a millionaire I couldn't wait to open it up the sweat was pouring from my forehead and my palms were sweatier than a pervert on a porn site.
I opened the email and to my horror it wasn't a personal mail from yanik it was an email offering my broke arse a 10 part pay plan to attend his underground seminar shit I had been duped again. Ok that isn't the truth but I do hate this little trick and I am seeing it happen more and more.
The problem with this is yes you may get your email opened but the person opening the email will be pissed when they realise it is not a genuine reply to a mail so any marketing message you wanted to get across just got flushed down the toilet with last nights dinner.
Yanik is not the only one to use the trick I am just using him as an example. Yes he will get away with it because he's the "great" yanik silver but you are not and you may not be so lucky so my advice treat your subscribers with a bit of intelligence they will thank you for it.