Rich Jerk Xray Software Too Buy Or Not Too Buy?

Too buy or not too buy Rich Jerk's Xray Software that is the question most of the internet marketing community will be asking themselves today. My view save your money. Something you must always bear in mind is are there any alternatives and am I getting value for money well in this case no way hose. There are other alternatives to what this script will do some already here and some that soon will be. But my main reason for writing this post is people must stop getting all caught up in the latest hype launch. Everyone and there mother is or will be pimping Rich Jerks Xray software but you have to see beyond the smoke as to why that is and the simple truth is $$$$$$. Rich Jerk and many other big name internet marketers overprice there products for 3 reasons. 1. Attracts big name affiliates by offering a good % on a high priced product. 2. Will be able to use the power of other big name marketers list by building an even bigger list by having a prelaunch notification list and 3. Using peoples mentality of if it is high priced it must be good. So my point is dont get sucked into these big launches take your blinkers off and realise big name marketers don't always have your interests at heart.